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Did someone send you a Bag of BS? Click Here

Do you need a lot of BS?

Like, a LOT of BS?

Good News! We HAVE a lot of BS to sell!

If you’d like to place an order of 500 or more we can hook you up on a volume discount. The more you buy, the less that discount will feel like BS 😉
Isn’t that how this always works? Buy a bunch of some BS or another and get a discount and the more of that BS you buy then the bigger the discount.
If you’d like to place an order of 1000 or more we can even discuss completely customized labels, but let’s keep it classy folks.
Then again, maybe you want them without labels so you can use them as coasters? Or perhaps blank labels so you can write your own, personalized, heartfelt and obviously classy message.
You know what? Whatever, just send us what you want and we’ll let you know if we think it’s worthy of being on a Bag of BS or not. Just don’t be surprised if we respectfully decline. People need to leave Bette Midler alone and that’s all we have to say about that.
We have a lot of BS for sale
One more thing. If we think, for even a split second, that you might be intending to use these as a form of harassment that breaks the bounds of the law, then think again. Doing stuff like that is BS and you’ll have to get yours elsewhere!

How many can we put you down for?

Fill out the form below, provide your contact information and if it doesn’t look like a bunch of malarkey then we’ll send you a special discount code and instructions on placing your order and when you can expect it to arrive.

Now we need some details on what bags you want. Is there a specific label you want, do you need them packed individually and then boxed? Just give us as many details as you can and if it sounds like you're not full of it, then we'll reach out and get you hooked up with some bags of the good stuff.