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Did someone send you a Bag of BS? Click Here

Crowd Sourced Cow Pies

Here's your BS back!
It has come to our attention that some groups and organizations have started sending our high quality Bags of BS to certain companies, offices and individuals to show them how they care about their ethics, morals, products, services, etc. and assist them with helping grow a better future.
What a nice idea! Send a gift that shows you care about growing a better world and let bygones be bygones. It’s nice to see a little civility in the world!
Due to the high demand of items being sent to the same place we thought maybe we could help coordinate those efforts, streamline things and make it easier for a group of people to send their gifts to their deserving recipients.
We’re not just coordinating any old BS. We try to make sure the causes we’re supporting are worthy. We don’t want to send a bunch of BS to someone who wouldn’t appreciate it…
If you’re looking at placing a large order for your group or organization, then let us know and we’ll work with you to develop and design the kind of BS campaign you’ve always dreamed of.
Worthy Charities

Q: You know what isn't BS?

A: Supporting Worthy Causes

What are fake, BS people saying?

Before I heard about this I didn't care about clean water. So what if my kid has gills and developed three eyes, I think he's cute! But when I was rushing to the hospital after realizing that wasn't coffee I just drank, but tap water, I decided to rethink things. Now I'm all about this BS!
John Fakename
Lawyer & BS Artist

Want to place your own, non-crowd sourced, bulk order?


Hop over to our contact us page and let us know who you want think the public needs to send some BS to for a change.

If you make a compelling case and don’t give us a load of horse manure (that stuff is worthless) then we might be able to help make those dreams come true.

We can’t help everyone and frankly some ideas we’ve heard have been rather tasteless. We might deal in BS, but we believe strongly in having class and common decency. People need to leave Bette Midler alone and that’s all we have to say about that.

But we do accept bulk orders and in many cases can be persuaded to add a custom label. Hop over to our “Bulk Order” page for more details.

There’s just certain companies and individuals that have made it their mission to spread a bunch of BS and not the good kind.

They spread the kind of BS that nobody wants. The kind of BS that needs some attention, the kind that needs to be addressed!

Companies that poison our water? That is BS!

Do you know about the water in Detroit? That is BS!

Maybe we should run a poll to help determine who gets to run the next Crowd Source campaign?

Is there someone you think needs to have some BS sent to them for a change? Hop over to our contact page and let us know.

Help bring a little joy to the world and buy a Bag of BS today!

A little advice from the King of BS

If you can't find joy in the miracle of life then you're just turning yourself into a miserable Bag of BS and while people may enjoy them, nobody should act like them. So grow up, smile, take the BS and do something great with it!