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Did someone send you a Bag of BS? Click Here

Is this legal? Can I really send a Bag of BS to someone?

That is a very good question and it really boils down to intent.
Sending a Bag of BS through the mail to someone is perfectly acceptable as long as it’s not done to harass, intimidate or do something illegal like violate a restraining order.
For the record, we don’t condone stuff like that.
When you purchase from us you are agreeing that you are abiding by all laws and are not intending to harass, intimidate or violate any other rules, regulations or restrictions of any jurisdiction that your actions might fall under.
We strongly believe this is the perfect gift for someone because it’s a lesson in a bag and that lesson is one of love, if they choose to receive it.
Love?! Yep, it’s a gift of love and a lesson on gaining perspective in life.
Our Bags of BS really are one of nature’s greatest fertilizers and something that can be used to grow some wonderful things.
They really can be used to amend soil and nourish life. How awesome is that?!
100% Vitamin B.S.
If you receive a Bag of BS you have a chance, an opportunity, to make the world a better place by planting some flowers or growing a few vegetable plants or by not being one yourself.
There are no greater things in this world than True Love and Home Grown Tomatoes!
Not everyone who gets a Bag of BS will see it that way, they might even get a bit upset and bent out of place over it.
They sit there pouting, all upset because they think they’re sitting next to a worthless Bag of BS.
Is it weird that the bag would be thinking the same thing?
Perspective people, it’s all about perspective.
That goes for the sender as well – your perspective and intent is going to determine if sending someone a gift (ANY Gift) in the mail is legal.
If you want to give someone a gift that will make them think and help them grow a better world and you’re doing it from a good place in your heart, then yes, it’s absolutely legal to send a Bag of BS to someone. In fact, we encourage it 😉

Help bring a little joy to the world and buy a Bag of BS today!

A little advice from the King of BS

If you can't find joy in the miracle of life then you're just turning yourself into a miserable Bag of BS and while people may enjoy them, nobody should act like them. So grow up, smile, take the BS and do something great with it!